So, after reading an article that I found in eWEEK about Open-Source and Mac Alternatives to Windows 7 I thought I’d try out a few “flavors” and see what’s new. One of the main reasons for this idea is that I’m tired of having my kids come and ask me why windows keep popping up and asking them to install stuff when they are browsing for things online. I even got rid of all the shortcuts to IE8 and only left a shortcut to Firefox (which has helped). I’ve been running Windows 7 since the first beta and I’ve had the RTM version since it was released, but I’m just not that impressed with it.… Read more...
Author: Jason
IT Professional that loves adventure.
Windows 7 Launch…
So my brother sent me the following link, jokingly saying that he was thinking about throwing one:
I watched the whole thing and the entire time I was waiting for a punch line or something funny. I didn’t think it was for real. Some quick research with Google seems to prove that this is a legit attempt by Microsoft to promote Windows 7. Who in their right mind is so excited about Windows 7 that they are going to throw a party with Windows 7 as the “honored guest”? This is a new low in their advertising campaign. I thought the “I’m a PC” thing was stretching it.… Read more...
New 32 GB iPod Touch
I’ve had the desire to get an iPhone since I first saw one, but I tried AT&T once and their service was terrible. Since the iPhone first came out there have been a lot of cool improvements and it’s nice to see that Apple appears to listen to it’s consumers (unlike some other companies out there <cough>Microsoft<cough> ;-)). So, with that said and the release of the new iPods, I finally figured I’d try to satisfy my iPhone cravings somewhat by getting a new iPod touch. So far it has done little to satisfy my cravings and has only increased my desire to own an iPhone.… Read more...
Fun with VMware vSphere
So lately at work I’ve been tasked with implementing our new VMware vSphere virtualization infrastructure. We’ve been looking forward to getting into the virtualization space for some time now and we were really happy that the decision was made to go with VMware. Not only did we get the software, but I got the hardware that I thought would be necessary to get us started. We ended up purchasing 3 IBM x3650 M2 servers with dual Xeon 5560 procs and 32GB of RAM. Although, I think I short changed the server when it comes to RAM so future servers will have at least 64GB of RAM.… Read more...
Avatar’s in WordPress
So a couple weeks ago I was trying to figure out how to add a picture to my profile so it would show up next to my comments. Well, I didn’t try very hard to figure it out and thought I’d look into it another today. Today is that day. I did a little digging and found that it was super easy. WordPress is now integrated with Gravitar and it’s super easy to create a Globally Registered avatar.
To creat one, head over to and sign up for an account. All you need is your email address and a picture.… Read more...
What a week!
This week started out with the entire family getting the flu but ended up with beautiful weather and other good things.
At work we finally purchased new hardware and software for virtualizing our data center. We’re all excited because we’ve been waiting a while for this and everyone is looking forward to using VMwares new vSphere.
At home it’s getting closer to closing on the house we’re buying and we’re enjoying the great weather. I’m having some fun playing with WordPress and some new themes so hopefully you like the new look.… Read more...
What to do…
So I’ve got a little time right now and I ended up adding my resume to the blog so there’s one less thing that I’ve got to do with this site. 🙂 Now I think I’m going to take a break and watch a movie since the wife and kids are out and about right now.… Read more...
So I started playing with WordPress to put up a family blog and then got the idea that it would be fun to throw something together for myself so that I could post the stuff that I enjoy, find helpful for work or whatever I might learn. Who knows, maybe someone might even read what I have. 🙂… Read more...